q Davie Homeowners Broker Agency | Professional Real Estate Services in Davie, FL

Davie Home Owners


Brokerage Agency

Real Estate
and Brokerage Agency

Popular Properties

We know how to sell great homes

When you choose The Listing Team to sell your home, you are aligning yourself with the ultimate professional, and assuring yourself the best service and results.

That’s why we go beyond the typical listings, by sourcing insights straight from locals and offering over 34 neighborhood map overlays, to give people a deeper understanding of what living in a home and neighborhood is like.

The Listing Team and her team’s full-service support allow her business to operate like a boutique firm within a large company. Offering professional floor plans, site plans, surveys, video tours, extensive property brochures both print and interactive, and various social media outlets.

As Featured in

Our Range of Property Services

Property Management

10 new offers every day. 350 offers on site, trusted by a community of thousands of users.

Mortgage Services

With a robust selection of popular properties on hand, as well as leading properties from real estate experts.

Currency Services

Our stress-free finance department that can find financial solutions to save you money.

Get important notifications

Receive advices, listings, and neighborhood information.


You and your landlord always see the same info, and you will get all important information directly to your post office.

Near by me

Search near top-rated schools and explore neighborhoods.

Our Team of Brokers


Bobbi Simon
Founder of WebFlex Inc.

From beginning to end, Scott was there to help in every way. He has sold and helped purchase 3 homes, that met our needs. Thank you Scott for all your help

Stephanie Sokol
Manager at ColdHawk Inc.

Excellent service!! Scott works quickly and efficiently!! Thanks again!!!

Gerald FitzGerald
CEO at Entavo LLC

Scott Lehr is THE most professional realtor. He always goes the extra mile. His knowledge of real estate is extensive. Always a pleasure to deal with him.


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